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What is a hand dryer The reason for the automatic hand dryer switch

time 2023-03-27

 What is a hand dryer


Hand ware is a bathroom with drying hands or blow dry hands sanitary appliances, divided into inductive automatic hand dryer and manual hand dryer. It is mainly used in hotels, restaurants, scientific research institutions, hospitals, public entertainment venues and every family bathroom, etc..


When you wash your hands, put your hands under the air outlet of the automatic hand dryer, the automatic hand dryer will automatically send out comfortable warm air, quickly make your hands wet and dry, and when you put your hands - away from the automatic hand dryer air outlet, it automatically stops wind shutdown.


the reason for the automatic hand dryer switch


Hand dryer can automatically switch on and off, because inside the hand dryer, installed a variable capacitance automatic induction circuit, which controls a bridge balance circuit. The bridge balance circuit consists of four parts, called the four bridge arms. The variable capacitance auto-sensing circuit forms one of the bridge arms. Its sensing part is installed at the air outlet of the hand dryer. When wet hands in the wind under the mouth, because the human body is a conductor, can also form capacitance, is, so that the induction part of the electric capacity change, immediately make the bridge circuit in the four bridge arm of the value, from balance to unbalance. In the original balance state, the bridge arms can cancel each other's currents, no longer cancel, there is a - a new current. It can cause the suction relay to operate, turn on the fan and heater On the power supply, there will be wind blowing out.

Third, the hand apparatus purchase precautions


1, the purchase of hand dryer, consumers should decide which hand dryer to buy according to their needs and the environment, etc. PTC type of hand dryer, because As the ambient temperature changes, PTC heating power also changes, winter time PTC heating power increases, hand dryer blowing out warm air The temperature rise of the hand dryer blowing warm air also increases. Electric heater type hand dryer simple and practical, long life.


2, consumers can also be based on their own needs, select the wind-based heat: the amount of supplemental wind-type hand dryer, or heat-based hot air-type hand dryer. Hand dryer. In the selection of electromagnetic induction type hand dryer, it should be noted that this hand dryer is susceptible to the environment, the impact of items. Selection of infrared induction type Hand dryer to pay attention to, infrared induction hand dryer is also susceptible to light interference, consumers in the time of purchase to carry out a test machine, select the hand dryer is not easy to be interfered with The hand dryer.


3, the purchase of hand dryer should also pay attention to the hand dryer using the motor is which form. Hand dryer with a variety of forms of motor, there are capacitor asynchronous motor There are various forms of motors used in hand dryers, such as capacitor asynchronous motors, shaded-pole motors, series excitation motors, DC motors, and permanent magnet motors. Capacitor asynchronous motor, shaded-pole motor motor, DC motor driven hand dryer has the advantage of low noise, while series excitation motor, and permanent magnet motor driven hand dryer has the advantage of large air volume Now the latest brushless DC motor combines the above features with low noise and high air volume, and has become the best choice for hand dryers now.

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