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sensor faucet faucet does not produce water or can not turn off the water how to do?

time 2023-03-16

At present, both foreign induction faucet brands or domestic induction faucet brands, its working principle is similar, its core components are infrared induction probe and solenoid valve coil, the main failure and maintenance methods are as follows:


1, sensor faucet does not produce water:

First determine whether the power supply is normal, now the main domestic power supply AC 220V to 12V and 6V; DC 6V (seven or five alkaline batteries four) and DC 3V (two seven or five alkaline batteries), with a hand block in front of the infrared window to observe whether the indicator, part of the induction faucet brand infrared window C 1 using a single-chip computer control, power indicator in the water control part (installed in the (installed under the basin).
If there is no response, the initial judgment of the induction part of the fault, you can replace the infrared probe, in this side of the recommended fault can not be judged by the skin, if there are other normal induction faucet, can be used. Exclusion method, the first infrared part of its plug in the faulty faucet water control part, so it is easy to determine whether the induction part of the fault or the water control part of the solenoid valve failure, while paying attention to all plugs are no poor contact or the possibility of moisture.

2, sensor faucet can not close the water:

Exclude foreign objects in front of the induction window (the principle of the sensor is that as long as there are objects in the infrared induction distance range of the machine response) and the indicator is normal, check the water control part of the inlet side of the filter whether there is mud or other debris blockage. If there is please clean clean; if you can not solve the problem, please disassemble the solenoid valve, clean the coil spool, spring, diaphragm, etc. and then installed back in the same way, such as still can not close the water means that the solenoid valve has been bad, replace the new solenoid valve part can. On this side of an experience, can not close the water situation, with the hand induction, such as found that the water volume becomes large, hand glass open after still can not close the water, but the water volume than when using a small, which means that the solenoid valve is not faulty, only need to clean the solenoid valve internal will be able to use normally.


3, sensor faucet out of the small amount of water: 

On the one hand to see if the water pressure and pipe flow is small, the other On the other hand, check whether the water control part of the inlet end of the filter Clogged with impurities, but also on the one hand to consider the current pipeline are used PPR, part of the I process construction of the pipe joints using hot fusion, not
Exclude excessive hot fusion to deform the pipe, so that the water through the pipe The volume of water through the pipe becomes smaller.

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