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How does a hand dryer work

time 2023-04-06

Hand dryers are a product of high technology and environmental protection and are commonly used in the bathrooms of hotels, restaurants, hospitals and public entertainment venues. The advantage of the hand dryer is that it reduces the waste of paper to a certain extent, thus achieving an environmentally friendly character. Many people do not know much about hand dryers, so here is an introduction to how hand dryers work


How does a hand dryer work?

How does a hand dryer work? Hand dryers are a way to dry your hands by using the wind to speed up the flow and thus evaporate the moisture on your hands.
effect. There are many types of hand dryers, different types, the principle of achieving dry hands is different.

1、No heating device

The hand dryer without heating device is suitable for the temperature requirements of the more demanding places, common hand dryer use frequently, such as: frozen vegetables, quick vegetables, hand dryer, hand dryer, hand dryer, hand dryer, hand dryer, hand dryer. For example: frozen vegetables, frozen dumplings packaging workshop.

2、PTC heating

PTC thermistor heating will be with the ambient temperature changes, PTC heating power also changes, winter time PTC heating power
PTC is characterised by good temperature constancy, but also has a certain disadvantage. PTC is characterised by good temperature constancy, but also has a certain disadvantage, no electric heating wire temperature up quickly.

3、Heating by electric wire

The traditional electric heating wire, the wind temperature rises quickly, but the wind temperature constancy is poor, easy to wind temperature is high, the hands have burns. High-speed hand dryer. The use of electric heating wire plus CPU with temperature sensor control *, to achieve the effect of fast and constant wind temperature rise, even if the wind speed up to The hand dryer is able to blow a constant warm air even when the wind speed is up to 100 m/s. Generally speaking, the noise level of air-based and heating-based hand dryers is relatively high, while the noise level of heating-based hot air hand dryers is low. Users can choose according to their actual situation.

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