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Functions of automatic hand washers and selection

time 2023-01-07

In the grip of the epidemic, the health requirements are gradually increasing, and the faucets and hand sanitizers that you touch outside,There may also be a lot of residual germs. Today, we will explain what is the use of automatic handwashWhich brand of cell phone is good.
A, what is the use of self-help handpiece washing

1, no contact more at ease
There was a program exposure, some public places to provide hand sanitizer bacteria exceeded 600 times the standard. Although hand sanitizer is widely The company has been in close contact with the bottle, or some businesses in the hand sanitizer to add water and other bad behavior.The bacteria content of these hand sanitizers is not low. Therefore, hand sanitizers without contact such as automatic handwashers are safer and more relaxing.


2, convenient
Automatic hand washers generally come with a foaming effect, we use ordinary pressurized hand sanitizer often need to own many times,The first thing you need to do is to rub the hand sanitizer to get a small bubble. After foaming and then cleaning will also be closer to the same time also save the amount of hand sanitizer.

Second, how to choose automatic hand washers

1, induction speed and foaming effect
Automatic hand washing machine using induction bubble technology, I believe that we do not want to wash their hands when the hand out to wait on a long,A long time still no bubble. Therefore, the induction speed is an important factor affecting the hand washing experience. Foaming effect on the degree of cleanliness also has,If the automatic hand washing machine bubble amount is small, containing water, then rub up is very inconvenient, clean The cleaning effect is also naturally greatly reduced.

2、Charging method
The existing automatic hand washers on the market are generally divided into lithium battery charging and dry cell two. Charging method on the automatic Washing machine life, safety also has a lot of influence.

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